
WCS Updates & Give-aways!

Hey everyone!

Let’s just say the past few weeks and months have been hectic to say the least. Finally the holidays are completely out of the way, which for me is a big deal (since I love Christmas, and this year traveled home to visit family). After that settled down, I went into cosplay mode, and pretty much haven’t let up since. Marikasan and I have been working diligently to get our cosplays complete for our big competition in February, where we will debut our biggest cosplay to date. And let me just say… this is huge!

Everything about this cosplay is new to us, we decided to really up the ante and do something we had never even dreamed before. We broke out the power tools, professional grade plastics, and tested out some fancy new paints. I am so excited to show everyone the results of our hard work, but we still have a little bit to do before we can finally assemble and finish this project. Don’t worry though, we will have some great stuff to show off, and I hope you all like it.

Not only have we been working on this massive cosplay, but we also get to do something else completely new to us – perform a skit! We have been practicing weekly, and it has been a blast. If you really want, you can check out our first practice of some of our choreography on our YouTube page. I personally find them hilarious… but I’m a bit off, so ya’ll might just think I’m a weirdo.

In other news…

:star:Foxy Cosplay Katsucon Give-Away:star:

To thank everyone who has been watching us, and supporting us along the way, we wanted to do something special. We decided the best way to do this was to give away presents! Who doesn’t like presents!!!!

The rules are pretty simple:
:bulletpink:Like our FaceBook page, and you’ll be entered into a drawing.

:bulletpink: At Katsucon, we will do several drawings for a chance to win a prize.

For fun, we’ll be recording our drawing live, in cosplay, on location at Katsucon. We will upload the video on YouTube – with the winners listed at the end.

According to my poll ran earlier this month  the most popular prize was a “Katsucon Dealer Room Gift” picked by Foxy Cosplay. This is subject to change, as I will probably run a similar poll on Facebook, and I will leave the poll up on my page just in case someone else has an opinion. We will contact our winners when we get back, to arrange for pickup/shipping of the prizes.

So - Like our Page - You may win a prize!

Thanks again to everyone who has been there for us. We can’t wait to see you guys from the big stage in Washington DC!!!



Post Onicon Update

Well its been almost a week since Onicon happened and in terms of the con it was one of the worst organized I have seen. This didn’t keep us from having a blast and it gave us a lot of opportunity to hang out with friends and take lots of pictures. We finally go to spend time with the ladies form SeC-C cosplay :iconkiyara: and :iconalienrobot:. We had two photoshoots one for CCS and one for Inuyasha cosplays with the super talented and adorable :iconfallingfeathers: I can’t wait till she finishes editing our shoots.

We were really sad :iconsayuri13: and :iconlovelyyorange: weren’t able to make it but don’t worry guys it really wasn’t a great con and we can hang out and do shoots any time.

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Update Time

Well it has been a couple weeks since I last updated, but even in that short time I have lots to update about. Cons have happened, I gained a new member to my family, and now here I am trying to relax a bit after a really hectic October. I believe I hate October now, the worst things always happen to me during that month.

I suppose I’ll start off with how I got a new puppy – Joey. He is in addition to my other doggy Rox. He’s been sort of a handful, though he is really sweet. I ended up adopting him from a local rescue called Red Collar. He just seems to get along with everyone and is just super cute and nice. Here’s a pic of them chillin’ on my tiny couch:

Getting Joey really helped me a bit when I was feeling super down earlier this month, but with help from my friends I was able to pull through. Though.. I still did end up missing some deadlines for cosplaying

:iconruncryplz: I’m so sorry :iconmarikasan:

The deadline I missed was for our most recent con adventure – Onicon, where I didn’t finish our Transformed Tessaiga for our Inuyasha cosplays. However, we both knew it would have sucked to carry thatshit around all day. Plus I would have missed out on all of our awesome photos. Don’t worry, we’ll be getting another chance with the Tessaiga, and really the Inuyasha cosplays were super easy to wear and decently easy to put on. I haven’t gotten the images ready from our shoots yet, but here are a few that I managed to post, if you missed them.

is it weird that I want to pin up pictures of myself in Inuyasha cosplay?

And this is just the beginning. We also had an awesome shoot with :iconfallingfeathers: for both our Inuyasha cosplays and our other super cute CardCaptor Sakura cosplays. OMG I am so excited to post those =D I’ll just wrap up again with a big THANK YOU to all who have been faving and commenting on my cosplays. I <3 all of you! It just makes me so happy ^_^

Be sure to check back because soon I’ll be uploading tons of CCS and Inuyasha’s, not to mention Renfest images and more Corgi Armor and Doggy pictures =D

Thanks again all!!!!




Busy lately – as if that’s new

Well lately things are starting to pick up again. Cosplay things, photoshoot things, website things… fan fiction things, and of course a bit of drawing going on up in here. I don’t really know where to start, but I just wanted to post a journal entry, because sometimes I am a spaz like that.

I get stuck at work, feel this cosplay urge, but can’t do anything to sate it. So my best option is to hit DA and do something. Today it just happens to be a little journal entry where I freak out about all the crap I have to do.

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New Look and Gallery Updates – Foxycosplay.com

So I spent the past few days trying to think of the best way to handle our ever growing cosplay gallery. It seems that we just keep doing photoshoots every couple weeks, and really it wasn’t going to work for our current gallery layout. So there is a new look to the site, for the main gallery page, and the individual photo shoot pages. I also added in some SEO, which really has nothing to do with our fans, but you know what… I did it, so I want to say something. >.>

Anyways, I hope all the changes are for the best. I’ll be updating our events page, as well as adding a bit more content over the next month or so.

Anyways, hop by and check it out. I also added a photoshoot to our website gallery – Code Geass, Sweet Dreams ^_^ A fanservice photoshoot featuring Lelouch and C2 in their underwear, lol!

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